Madhubani painting (tree of life)

This is the painting of madhubani district of Bihar. So, it is called madhubani painting. this painting narrates a tree and birds on it. trees play as impotant role in our life. it supplies oxygen to all of us. All human beings or wild animals depend a tree. This painting shows many birds and animals.Trees are the symbol of growth, energy ,unity ,stability and beauty . In this painting, love for tree is shown, as the basic need for development of personality and knowledge.

Miniatur painting (rajsthan)

This is miniatur of painting rajastan, very minute details ar shown in these painting using diffirent natural colours. The colour used in these painting are red, yellow, black, violet and blue.These 12 painting show12 month in a year ,baisakh,

jyesta,asadha,sharban,bhadrav,ashwina, kartik, margasira, pousha,magha and falguna and chaitra. This nrrtes the sankmit story of rangmala,shown in these 12 painting. This essenu of this raga is colour, peace and music.                                                 

Sanjhi Art

Sanjhi art is famous in uttarpardesh it is made by perforuting a single piec of pepar into different shapes. This are is rleting to lord shreekrishna. shreekrishna while taling  cows to the forst, used to rlax under the shade of a tree and play the flute . hearing the sweet sound of flute by lord shreekrishna, all the cows fluag around thim and keenly to the music. the painting describes the scehe.

Kalighat pattua

Kalighat pattua is folk painting of west bengal. sinu this painting was drowned in kalighata temple of kolkata, it is known as kalighata pattua. This is also known as scroll painting of bengal. In this painting the mythological story of shravan kumar was the only son of his old laruts and was known for his devotion to them. once his old lraruts desired to gom on pilgrmage and sharban decided to take his paruts on pilgrmage. He took them on his should be and set oput for the pilgrmage. In the wight, the parnts werthersty and sharban weat to the river to procur water. while the was prowring water an arrow lit him.This aarrow was shot by  king dasrath ,who had gone for luating . herag the sound, he mistook it as a dree and had shot on the arrow. But when he saw that sharvan is dying, he apologised to him. But sharvan rqusted him to send the water to his thirsty parlts. King dasrath took the water to his parats, who come to know about the incident, about his son.They cursed him that king world also die.In the bereaverent of his son later,dasrath dide in the beravement , as his son ramachandr was exiled in the fovosl.